15 June, 2017

The last experience


How do you know when you will die? Recently, researchers are trying to understand the feelings of death. Business Insider said in a report. It is not possible to know the feelings of people's death. But there have been a number of research on how the feeling of death is about. Experience has been recorded from those people who have gone to the extent of death due to various reasons and have returned to life again. These studies have shown that it is very difficult to show the experience of death of people. Wayne State University Professor Margaret Campbell, who has researched patients who died on various hospitals, said the feelings of death are basically known to his relatives, family members and friends. However, it is difficult to collect the real feelings of the person without them. Two weeks before the death, people became very sick, sleepy and almost unconscious. In this situation, they do not have the chance to express their feelings. Even then, as far as the research is done, it is highlighted by James Hallenbach, a Paleolitic-care specialist at Stanford University in the United States. He said, what we see among them is very much like a black hole. But it is very difficult to describe this, it works like a powerful gravitational feeling among them. When someone crosses the horizon of death, the change begins between them. Doctors said that several hours before the death of many diseases became very sure about the deaths of many. At that time people do not have knowledge. Many people suffer from breathing or sound from the throat. Many people can see this because they are having trouble. However, in reality the patient often does not feel the pain of the time. Many people who came back from death were told that they were walking towards bright light. And those feelings were really past the descriptions. This topic is explained by David Hovda, Director of the UCLA Brin Injury Research Center. He said that when the brain is changing at the time of death, it also has the effect of seeing it in the necessary parts. And in this, people see the light. When death occurs in the brain, neurons emit new chemicals. And this is a huge amount. As a result, many people get the feeling that is different from any other feeling.

source:MRR Tv
